Licenses & Registrations

Workplace Safety and Health Officer

Registration form
E-SHENA Portal Apply for Workplace Safety and Health Office (WSHO)
List of Registered WSH Officers
Registered Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Officers (Last updated: March 2nd, 2023)

Industry Guidance Note (IGN) : Workplace Safety and Health Officer & Workplace Safety and Health Co-Ordinator Requirements, Work Experience and Continuing Professional Development Expectations

Duty to appoint WSH officers

Occupier of a Workplace

Fees for WSH Officer Registrations (New and Replacement)

1. An application for approval to act as a Workplace Safety and Health Officer.

BND$ 110.00

2. An application to renew any approval to act as a Workplace Safety and Health Officer

BND$ 60.00

3. To replace a Certificate of Approval

BND$ 10.00 per Certificate to be replaced

Important Notes

Who can apply

Company representative / Focal point


2 years (renewable)

  • Employed in Brunei Darussalam;

  • Must be a Brunei Citizen, Permanent Resident or a person to whom an Employment Pass (employed by the company) has been issued;

  • Fit and proper person to carry out the work of the WSH Officer;

  • Has obtained:

    • a minimum qualification of National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health International General Certificate (NEBOSH IGC); or

      • equivalent to equip him/her to become a Workplace Safety and Health Officer; Examples of qualifications which are equivalent or higher in this context include -

        • Diploma and Advanced Diploma (HND), Degree, Master, PhD in Occupational Health and Safety

        • Master of Science in Safety, Health and Environment Technology

        • Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety

        • Bachelor of Science in Human Factors in Safety

        • Bachelor of Science in Safety, Health and Environmental Management

        • Any relevant academic qualifications (Engineering Degree, etc.) to support the application, certificate copy to be provided.

  • Has at least a minimum of two (2) years of practical experience relevant to the work to be performed by the WSH officer;

    • Need documentary proof, e.g., testimonial from employer specifying the period of employment where he/she acts in his/her capacity as a Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) related designation or similar role.

  • Has other qualifications and practical qualifications which in the Authority's opinion render him/her competent to act as a WSH Officer; and

  • The WSH Officer must be present and active on site.

Duties of WSH Officer (Regulation 9: WSH Officer Regulations, 2014)

The duties of a WSH Officer appointed in respect of a workplace shall be:

  1. To assist the occupier of the workplace or other person in charge of the workplace to identify and assess any foreseeable risk arising from the workplace or work processes therein;

  2. To recommend to the occupier of the workplace or other person in charge of the workplace reasonably practicable measures to eliminate any foreseeable risk to any person who is at work in that workplace or may be affected by the occupier's undertaking in the workplace;

  3. Where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate the risk referred to in paragraph (b), to recommend to the occupier of the workplace or other person in charge of the workplace:

    • Such reasonably practicable measures to minimise the risk; and

    • Such safe work procedures to control the risk.

  4. To assist the occupier of the workplace or other person in charge of the workplace in implementing the measure or safe work procedure referred to in paragraph 2 or 3, as the case may be.

Powers of WSH Officer (Regulation 9: WSH Officer Regulations, 2014)

The WSH Officer shall, for the purposes of discharging his duties, have the power to do any or all of the following:

  • To enter, inspect and examine at any reasonable time the workplace;

  • To inspect and examine any machinery, equipment, plant, installation or article in the workplace;

  • To require the production of workplace records, certificates, notices, and documents kept or required to be kept under the Order, including any other relevant document, and to inspect and examine any of them;

  • To make such examination and inquiry of the workplace and of any person at work at the workplace as may be necessary to execute his duties;

  • To assess the levels of noise, illumination, heat or harmful or hazardous substances in the workplace and the exposure levels of persons at work therein; and

  • To investigate any accident, dangerous occurrence or occupational disease that occurred within the workplace.