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WSH Posters & Brochures
Approved Code of Practice & Guidelines
Radiation Guidelines
Radiation Posters & Brochures
Radioactive Material or Ionising Radiation Equipment (X-Ray)
Guilty of an offense and liable on conviction in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $100,000 imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or both;
Radiation Posters & Brochures
Radiation: How much am I getting?
Radiation: How much am I getting?
Industry Guidance Note (IGN)
Different workplaces have different risks of injury and illness because of the variation of work activities that workers do. These risks are an important factor in deciding first aid requirements. Employers and Occupiers are required to provide first aid that takes into account individual circumstances of the workplace which include the common hazard present in the workplace or industry, the number of employees as well as the proximity of the workplace location to the nearest medical centre.