Safety Case

Definition of Combined operations

Combined operations definition (3(1))

Two or more operated facilities, where one has the potential to affect the major accident hazards (or associated Safety Critical Equipment or Safety Critical People or Procedures) of the other, whilst engaged in a temporary operation.

Material Change definition.

any change in design or operations that is significant to require a re-submission of the notification or Safety Case, and includes -
(a) physical changes to the plant;
(b) changes to operational parameters;
(c) organisational or staff changes; or
(d) change in risk profile;

Safety Case for Combined Operations

Regulation 15

1. A duty holder for a facility which is to be involved in a combined operation shall ensure that the facility does not engage in a combined operation unless a joint Safety Case containing the particulars specified in Schedule 4 (other than those already notified to the competent authority pursuant to regulations 12 and 17(1) and Schedules 2 and 3 in respect of that combined operation) is sent to the competent authority at least 21 days (or such shorter period as the competent authority may specify) before it is due to start.

2. The requirements of sub-regulation (1) shall be satisfied if -
a. 1. the duty holders for every facility involved in the combined operation prepare and agree to a joint Safety Case containing the particulars specified in that sub-regulation;
b. one of the duty holders involved in the combined operation submits the joint Safety Case to the competent authority at least 21 days (or such shorter period as the competent authority may specify) before the start of the combined operation; and
c. each duty holder has received a Safety Case Certificate which shall be valid for a term not exceeding one year from the competent authority.

3. Where there is a material change in any of the particulars notified pursuant to sub-regulation (1) prior to completion of the relevant combined operation, the duty holder referred to in sub-regulation (2)(b) shall, as soon as practicable, notify the competent authority of that change.

4. Sub-regulation (1) shall only require the particulars in the Safety Case to demonstrate the matters referred to in that sub-regulation to the extent that it is reasonable to expect the duty holder to address them at the time of submitting the Safety Case to the competent authority.

Particulars in Safety Case for Combined Operations - Schedule 4

Assessment Matrix