Safety Case
Decommissioning and Restoration Notification for Fixed Facility
Regulation 11A
Prior to cessation of production (or operation) of a fixed facility, any associated well or connected pipeline or other conveyance system, the duty holder of the fixed facility shall prepare a decommissioning and restoration notification containing the particulars specified in Schedule 1A; and submit the notification to the competent authority at such time that will enable the duty holder to take account of any matter relating to safety, health and the environment raised by the competent authority.
Sub-regulation (1) shall only require the particulars in the decommissioning and restoration notification to the extent that it is reasonable to expect the duty holder to address them at the time of submitting the notification to the competent authority.
The duty holder shall, as soon as practicable, revise the decommissioning and restoration notification and resubmit to the competent authority -
a. where there is a material change in any of the particulars notified pursuant to sub-regulation (1); or
b. when directed to do so by the competent authority.
Material Change definition
any change in design or operations that is significant to require a re-submission of the notification or Safety Case, and includes -
(a) physical changes to the plant;
(b) changes to operational parameters;
(c) organisational or staff changes; or
(d) change in risk profile;
Particulars in Design and Relocation Notification For Fixed Facility - Schedule 1
Assessment Matrix